JFCネットワークは、日本人とフィリピン人の間に生まれた子どもたち(Japanese-Filipino Children:JFC)を支援するNPOです。

特定非営利活動法人 JFCネットワーク





Our 20 year’s anniversary—my life as a Japanese-Filipino child” -successfully ended.



More than 80 people came to our anniversary. We apologize for the inconvenience because of bad… condition of the skype, we could not hear well their voice, and because some troubles happened, we had panel discussion in the morning instead of the documentary film screening, changing our schedule.



However, we believe that everybody was inspired by the 3 JFC panelist’s speeches because of their honest, sincere and openhearted words.



We will introduce some their impressive words.



“but I thought there was still something lacking. I felt that I could get all the things that I wanted in life expect meeting the man who gave my life.” (Kenji YUTANI)


「その時の私はただただ父に会いたかっただけなのです。私の由来を知りたかったのです。おそらく、“pusok sa buho”と呼ばれるような婚外子ではないのだと証明したかったのです。」(マリコ・ラモス)

“Maybe to prove that I wasn’t,”pusok sa buho”, as some people would call an illegitimate child or child born out of wedlock”(Mariko Ramos)



“I never knew that I wouldn’t be satisfied by just meeting him once. I have realized that I didn’t only want to see him but also wanted to have a real father.”(Kenji YUTANI)


「父は、私を認知して戸籍に載せることを断固拒否しました。父は、私が娘であることを拒否したのです。父は初めて手紙をよこして私にこの手続きを止めるように頼んできました。認知の代わりにお金を払う、というのです。父は私をお金で買収しようとしました。私はなんて皮肉な話だと思いました。自分の子どもだと認めもしない人間に援助するの? 心の底で、私は、父が私の感情を考えもせずに、すべては父の名誉と家族を守るためにするのだとわかりました。でも、私だって人間です。傷つきました。それで、私は裁判を最後までやり通すことを決心したのです。」(マリコ・ラモス)

“my father was adamant to acknowledge me and put my name in his family registry. He denied that I am his daughter although he refused to undergo a paternity test. My father wrote me for the first time asking me to drop the case. In his letter, he tried to bribe me with money in exchange of paternal recognition. How ironic, I thought. Why support someone whom you don’t acknowledge as your child? At the back of my mind, I know he’s doing all these to protect his name and his family in Japan without regard to my feelings. But I am also human. I feel hurt, too. So I persisted.” (Mariko Ramos)



“We should be given our nationality when we were born, as like our name. I think that losing our nationality against our will is as same as being deprived ‘what I am’. Though, I have lived as a Japanese, now I am looking for ‘what I am’ as a Filipino.”(Takashi OTA)



“It is not true that we don’t need the Japanese nationality because we were born in the Philippines. We need the Japanese nationality because I am a child of Japanese. As same as the opposite.”(Takashi OTA)



“I do not expect that I can be a Filipino at once after having the Filipino nationality. However, I am sure that it will be first important step for me to live as a Japanese-Filipino child who has roots in both countries.” (Takashi OTA)



“I have tried to be pure Japanese so that I can protect my Filipino mother. However, the more I’ve tried to be Japanese, the more I’ve become uncomfortable, bring up the feeling I am a Filipino.“ (Takashi OTA)



Thank you very much for all of you who came to our 20 year’s anniversary.



Thank you very much for 31 Japanese-Filipino children who joined our essay writing contest. All of your essays were very very much excellent.



We appreciate very much the support from volunteer to help us with translation work of essays, and also grateful to 4 judges for all of their work in essay writing contest.


お忙しい中、ドキュメンタリーフィルムを作成して下さった大田直子さん、本当にありがとうございました。来年3月の完成を目指して頑張りましょう。 We are thankful for the help of Ms. Naoko Ota in making documentary film although she was very busy. Let’s work together to complete it by March next year!



Kenji, Mariko, and Takashi, thank you very very much to give us so much of your time until late previous day. You must be tired. We believe that your though or feeling spoken by yourself with your words moved people.  Your stories were very impressive.



We are grateful for all of Filipino mothers to help us with bringing delicious dishes, for all of volunteers who helped us with various works for our anniversary.



We really appreciate all of you. We could not have such a wonderful anniversary without your support.