JFCネットワークは、日本人とフィリピン人の間に生まれた子どもたち(Japanese-Filipino Children:JFC)を支援するNPOです。

特定非営利活動法人 JFCネットワーク




On May 1, we held a gathering in memory of Ms. Naoko Kono.
Many people gathered at the venue on the day of the event and joined us via Zoom.
理事長からのはじめの言葉のあと、ビデオ上映『尚子さんを偲んで―尚子さんマラミン サラマット』がありました。
After the opening remarks by our board chairperson, there was a video screening of “In Memory of Naoko-san – Naoko-san’s Maraming Salamat”.
“I want to work with JFC to solve the problems of the JFC who have been deprived of their rights,” said Ms. Naoko.
“I have planned to do this work for the rest of my life,” she said.
The video showed Ms. Naoko’s strong desire to support JFC.
After the video, there was a ” Storytelling with Ms. Naoko”. Each of the speakers shared episodes with Ms. Naoko and their feelings toward her.
One student who was an intern at Maligaya House at the time spoke about how difficult it was for her to provide support, and how she treated the interns both kindly and strictly. Her speech was very warm and conveyed the personality of Ms. Naoko.
After the speeches, there was a panel discussion. “What I learned from Ms. Naoko and what I expect from Maligaya House in the future”.” Four panelists, including two former clients of JFC, talked about.
Ken, one of JFCs mentioned that Naoko san had been trying to take action to improve the situation of many JFCs in the Philippines who came to Japan and were forced to work under bad working conditions, and that it was time to think about the future activities of the JFC network.
Megumi, another JFC panelist, gave us her opinion that JFCs need to have programs to help them gain confidence in themselves and their identity.
The writer, Ms. Kazue pointed out the importance of JFCs themselves telling JFCs what they can tell their juniors and seniors because they were clients, not supporters.
Atty. Azukizawa, said, “We would like to think of ways to support the children so that they can continue to communicate with their father as a parent and child, not just as the end of the process of getting recognition.
The memorial gathering for Ms. Naoko was a great opportunity for those who had feelings for her to get together, share them, and think about the future.
For those who were not able to attend the meeting at the venue or via Zoom, we are planning to stream the event on youtube, so please watch it.
The committee members of this meeting have been discussing online since December and have been working on the program and video. We have been working on the program and video since December. We would like to thank all the committee members who took time out of their busy schedules to create the program and video, and who cooperated in many things on the day of the event.
As we announced at the Memorial Gathering for Ms. Naoko, we have set up “a fund to support the Maligaya House”. We would like to ask for your cooperation.
“Maligaya Support Fund”
This fund will be used to carry on Naoko Kono’s legacy and maintain the activities of Maligaya House in the future.
URL: http://www.jfcnet.org/
Credit card payment is convenient (you can do it from our website). URL: http://www.jfcnet.org/
【基金のお振込み先】 The fund transfer address is as follows.
みずほ銀行 市ヶ谷支店 (普)1920944 特定非営利活動法人JFCネットワーク
Mizuho Bank, Ichigaya Branch (Ordinary) 1920944 JFC Network
三菱東京UFJ銀行 市ヶ谷支店(普)1399324 特定非営利活動法人JFCネットワーク
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ichigaya Branch (Ordinary) 1399324 JFC Network
郵便振替口座 00120-2-720-290 特定非営利活動法人JFCネットワーク
Postal transfer account 00120-2-720-290 JFC Network
If you wish to support us, please let us know that your donation is for the “Maligaya Support Fund”.
E-mail: jfcnet@jca.apc.org
電話 050-3328-0143
Phone: 050-3328-0143