JFCネットワークは、日本人とフィリピン人の間に生まれた子どもたち(Japanese-Filipino Children:JFC)を支援するNPOです。

特定非営利活動法人 JFCネットワーク




12月3日の日曜日、JFCネットワークのクリスマス会が3年ぶりに開催されました。※English is below.





1位 田中ダイアナさん ビコールエクスプレス
2位 ミッシェル・マリンさん パラボック(写真①)
3位 カーラさん スプリングロール

1位 ジョセリン ガルシアさん ウベ ビコ
2位 マリージーンさん キャッサバケーキ
3位 ジョセリン ガルシアん ビビンカ マカプノ






そのあとはビンゴゲームと続き、満を持してサンタさん登場! さらに今年は10代の女性たちのサポートをしているColaboから、たくさんの衣類の寄付をいただき、参加者のみなさんに好きなものを持ってかえってもらいました。


最後は「You raise me up」(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yfwlj0gba_k)をみんなで歌い、記念撮影をしました。マリガヤ20周年のときに河野尚子さんが選んで流した曲です。


今回3年ぶりにクリスマス会を開いて、JFCやお母さんたちと集える機会を持てたことはとても感慨深く、「You raise me up」の歌詞のように、この機会から大きな力をもらえたように思います。





We had a Christmas party for the first time in three years on Sunday, December 3, 2023.
The venue was Kodomo Kyoiku Hosen University, which has been a great help to us for a long time. Prof. Sano, who had kindly provided us with the venue, has retired, but his successor, Prof. Matsukura, has taken over and we were able to use the venue as we did in the past. We are very grateful.

It was the first Christmas party in three years, and it was a lively affair with about 110 people in attendance, including client mothers, JFCs, their children, and our supporters.

The highlight of the JFC Network Christmas party is the cooking contest!

This year again, there was a wide variety of Filipino dishes prepared with the great skills of the chefs. Pancit, Bicol Express, adobo, cassava cake…all were delicious. There was also green curry, tea salad made by an intern from Myanmar, and Korean food.

Now, the results of the contest;
Cooking Section
1st Prize: Ms. Diana Tanaka, Bicol Express
2nd Place – Michelle Marin, Parabook
3rd Prize, Karla’s Spring Rolls
Diana Tanaka has won first prize for the past several years in a row.
Dessert Section
1st prize: Ms. Jocelyn Garcia, Ube Bico.
2nd prize, Ms. Marie Jean, Cassava Cake
3rd prize, Ms. Jocelyn Garcia Bibingka Macapuno

Jocelyn is a licensed pastry chef, and she was awarded 1st and 3rd prizes.
After the stomachs were filled, the JFC artists were presented.

Masato Kawanishi and Megumi Yoshinaga performed a song, and Daichi Hasegawa beatboxed, making the party even more exciting.
Incidentally, JFC Network is celebrating its 30th anniversary. Next October, Daichi Hasegawa will play a leading role in organizing the “Japan-Philippines Music Festival,” where artists with roots in Japan and the Philippines will perform on stage.

We will contact you as soon as details are finalized.
We also held our annual group games. Group members worked together to line up in order of height and age as fast as possible in the ” line-up game,” and enjoyed playing the ” message game” in Japanese and Tagalog.

The JFC Network’s message game was surely the most challenging. The team that won the game got a prize.

After that, a bingo game followed, and then Santa Claus made a full appearance! We also received a large donation of clothing from Colabo, a support group for teenage girls, and participants were able to take whatever they wanted with them.

It was impressive to see the happy elementary school students of JFC with bags full of gifts in their hands. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to everyone who donated these wonderful items.

At the end of the event, we sang “You raise me up”(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yfwlj0gba_k) together and took a picture. This was the song that Naoko Kono selected and played at the 20th anniversary of Maligaya house.

Looking back, the past three years when we were unable to hold the Christmas party were very difficult for us, as more and more people were forced to live a hard life due to the Corona disaster and also the death of Ms. Naoko Kono.

It was very meaningful to have a Christmas party for the first time in three years and to have the opportunity to gather with JFC and the mothers, and like the lyrics of the song “You raise me up,” I feel that this occasion gave us great strength.

With the interruption of Corona, our staff was also in a flurry of activity, forgetting all the operational know-how, but thanks to the support of many interns, we were able to have a great time from start to finish.

A lot of JFCs and their mothers, also came to help us out and was very supportive.

JFC, Natsumi Kondo, a university, was a wonderful interpreter into Tagalog, and she was very helpful.

Next year, which will mark the 30th anniversary of JFC, we would like to make the event even more wonderful by reviewing this year’s operation. We look forward to your participation!